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Magento eCommerce Development

Magento eCommerce Development

Over the years we have witnessed ecommerce solutions come and go, and even our own – ezOSC went away. As with anything and everything in technology, if you don’t change, you die. Atwoodz, Inc. has a new team of developers here in Las Vegas developing higher level solutions for our clients and Magento is is one of the solutions that we can now offer at better than competitive rates that most software development shops. With 15 years of creating and customizing ecommerce solutions we have a great handle on what you need and what it will take to develop your Magento eCommerce Solution. Magento is our ecommerce solution of choice for the main reason that it is not going anywhere. eBay owns it and devotes money to keeping the enterprise solution up and running, and rightly so. With so many large online retailers using Magento to one degree (storefront, cms, inventory, blog) or another (just their storefront and API’d to the rest of their systems), eBay wants to have some sort of hold on the online shopping market. Especially with the large part that their competitor Amazon now plays in online shopping, eBay needs the edge.

We found Magento to be that stable stand alone solution that will power your ecommerce business for the online shopping future to come. It is load with great update features and customizable configurations to build the software around your business, rather than the run of the mill hosted solutions that make your business bend, flex and slow down around their business models.

Magento development
Magento eCommerce Development and Support Services:

Our Magento Customers' Stores

Atwoodz has been providing excellent eCommerce Support for over 10 years. We are listed on the partners page for osCommerce, and we never outsource any eCommerce Support or development project. Our transparent processes and easy correspondence insures that we have long and mutually successful relationships with our valuable clients. Atwoodz understands the absolute importance of quickly fixing our client’s issues to avoid down-time and lost sales. Our osCommerce Experts can help with SEO, Marketing and User Experience to make sure you get the most out of your eCommerce store. We provide free quotes for osCommerce Support, Development and Design; and we are always happy to help with any quick questions that may arise. Give Atwoodz a call today, to give your website the best chance for success!

Call Today! (702) 453-3332

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