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Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click

Instant, Targeted, Affordable Traffic!

Pay Per Click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on search engines, advertising networks, and content sites, such as blogs, in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked. Allow Atwoodz to develop a campaign for you and get your leads to come in while you can work on the operations part of your business. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system.

Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertiser’s keyword list, or when a content site displays relevant content. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to or above organic results on search engine results pages, or anywhere a web developer chooses on a content site.

Although many PPC providers exist, Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Microsoft adCenter are the three largest network operators, and all three operate under a bid-based model. Cost per click (CPC), varies depending on the search engine and the level of competition for a particular keyword.

The PPC advertising model is open to abuse through click fraud, although Google and other search engines have implemented automated systems to guard against abusive clicks by competitors or corrupt web developers.

Drive more visitors to your website now!

If you’ve created a great website, but you aren’t attracting the visitors you require to generate the profits you expected, then this might be the most exciting page you have ever read. Atwoodz can guarantee to have your site listed on Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft Searches in 48 hours. We will do everything for you, so you don’t have to lift a finger and can focus on the profitable activities of running your business. We will help you overcome the internet marketing learning curve by providing you with a seamless process that guarantees your website generates traffic from PPC Advertising.