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Free Ecommerce Software base in osCommerce

Are you looking for a way to sell items from your website but are uncertain as to how to do this? Would you rather not spend a lot of money hiring a professional to design specialized software for your site? In other words, are you looking for some good e-commerce software, but do not want to spend a lot of money? Look no further than ezOSC ! ezOSC Free is exactly what it says it is; a free suite of software which can be integrated easily into your website and can be customized to fit your designs and needs.

This software comes with over a hundred free templates to make the design process easier. You can build simple interfaces that are both functional and user-friendly. As providing an easy experience for the end-user is extremely important in e-commerce, ezOSC is an ideal choice.

It is also very easy to use, both for the beginner user as well as the experienced developer. The software is fully compatible with PHP 4 and PHP 5, and uses an osCommerce framework to make the management of your business easy and seamless.

You can have an unlimited number of products, and can easily add, remove, or edit entries quickly and whenever necessary. A well-designed structure also makes it possible to display products in relevant categories.

To increase customer confidence, all transactions are handled securely using SSL. Also included is a feature where customers can leave comments and feedback about your products; this type of feature has been shown to be instrumental in increasing consumer confidence and generate higher sales.

As for payment options, there are easy interfaces to include many different types of online payment processing, such as PayPal,, iPayment, and 2Checkout. If you would prefer to use offline payment methods, ezOSC provides many options to allow this, such as check, money order, or offline credit card processing.

ezOSC Free is also completely multilingual, so that customers speaking English, German, or Spanish should have no trouble purchasing your products. Other languages are also available.

If you are ready to start making real money on the Internet, and are ready to choose e-commerce software, you can do no better than ezOSC.