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Marin, Santa Cruz and Shasta Counties Teaming Up to Go Green

A new mobile app that provides election information on Android and iPhones is now available for voters to download. VoterGuideNowâ„¢ was created in partnership with Dr. Elizabeth Bergman, Professor of Political Science at California State University East Bay. Dr. Bergman is a nationally recognized elections expert who worked with Atwoodz Inc‘s mobile development team to create the revolutionary new way to get the Sample Ballot and Voter Information Pamphlet on a mobile device.

The VoterGuideNowâ„¢ app makes it easy to research candidates, get information on state propositions and local measures, and select a candidate or measure to add to “My Choices” to save for later, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting your favorites on Election Day.

The VoterGuideNowâ„¢ app is a great opportunity for citizens to help government save money by reducing postage and paper costs as citizens can opt out of receiving the printed Sample Ballot and Voter Information Pamphlet in California. California has 17 million registered voters, most of whom receive printed election information, however, if they convert to electronic voter guides this could save about 500 million sheets of paper — equating to 60,000 trees and 2,000 metric tons of CO2.

At Atwoodz we are proud to be a part of this project and hope to produce VoterGuideNowâ„¢ for several more states in the near future. California has always been at the forefront of technological change and advancement, setting the pace for other states to follow. Once user download data becomes available we believe other states will find VoterGuideNowâ„¢ a smart and compelling solution.