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Scenario That Led To Penalty Box In SEO

Sites that end up in the penalty box are because of these common scenarios. One should notice that your competitor’s website has high quality content. This the ultimate dream of many webmasters during the search engine optimization ranking. The mistake one does is copying what the other webmasters have been doing with their site.  It can be done while not realizing that the site one copied is using disreputable technologies and techniques. These techniques are yet to be discovered by the search engines. These errors and handy work may be discovered and penalized later, and the copied site may be in line for penalization. It is even possible that the copied site is by now penalized for a number of flagged issues, and one did not recognize.

Another scenario is when one hires a SEO consultant. The main objective of this consultant is to implement changes to ones site. The greatest drawback is when they focus on the explicit goal of customizing and improving your ranking in search engines. The principal drawback is when instead of assisting end users find the content they require. Unfortunately, one fails to realize that the consultant employed tactics that violated the set Live Search Webmaster Center Guidelines. If some of these tactics are destructive, then search engine penalties will possibly ensue. It is expedient that SEO gives one a well detailed report of what they are doing. One should make it the work of SEO consultant to certify their work does not go against search engines guidelines.

Your amazingly knowledgeable web engineers devised a resourceful solution to a technical challenge on ones site. Sadly, people do not know what they did, and often intelligent solution can mimic spiteful search engine manipulation. Non-standard procedure, such as cloaking, can elevate red flags in some automated quality tests. Once exposed, these techniques will often activate penalties in search engines.