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SEO Marketing Campaign

If you build it, they will come…maybe.

Building a great website is no longer a sure way to generate sales or visitors. These days it can take content, Meta, Pay-Per-Click and many other techniques to drive traffic and sales. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most cost-effective and often the most profitable form of marketing. SEO, in its simplest definition, means to format your website in a way, so Google easily recognizes your target keywords and relevant content; that is the optimization part.

We see SEO as a very careful mix between art and science. The “art” of SEO comes during the keyword research and selection process, the “science” refers to the meticulous steps that are repeated across the many categories and products. Not only are the techniques being used advancing quickly, but the on-page content and Meta strategies are ever-evolving as well. Google has made up to 600 changes to its algorithms in each of the last few years. Having a team of SEO experts with decades of eCommerce and website marketing is essential to the proper set-up and marketing of your website; especially with the fast changing environment.

Call (800)961-7427 today for a free consultation with one of our marketing experts.