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User Experience – Website Usability & Usability Testing

What is User Experience (UX)?



The user experience of a website is based on the interfaces and website usability for the people who are your target audience. If two websites sell the same product, but one takes less clicks to purchase and has better content, in the right place; that site is likely to get more sales consistently from their visitors. Only through usability testing, competition analysis and user experience improvements, can a website truly have a great user’s experience for all of their visitors. Atwoodz can show you how to do your own user experience testing (Do-It-Yourself) through our bi-weekly blogs, and we can also do the testing and consultations for you. Let Atwoodz show you how you can improve your website usability, and significantly improve your website’s profitability.

Call Today (800) 961-7427 or [button link=”/contact/” primary_style=”blue” secondary_style=”small” float=”no-float”]click here[/button] to submit your info.


User Experience Testing

User experience testing, or usability testing, is the process for verifying the easy-to-use for your website or application. User experience testing involves an organized effort to make sure your website performs to the highest standards through research and live-testing, involving internal and external resources. The Atwoodz’ Usability testing process is simple and is transparent to our clients, making it simple to follow and participate in your website’s success.  Here are some of the items we would test a website for:

    • Search Bar Functionality and Placement
    • Image Quality Comparison with Competition
    • Ease of Checkout/Submission
    • Contact/Support options and Ease-of-Use
    • Offer Quality and Implied Urgency of Offer
    • Overall website usability score

Competition Comparison

There is an incredible amount of valuable information that can be gathered by using the websites of your competition as your research tool. Part of the Atwoodz website usability testing involves the use of your competition to try and understand the mutual customers you are trying to acquire. Large companies spend an incredible amount of money doing “buyer persona” studies to try and understand the browsing habits of their customers; their websites are often a reflection of the results of their efforts. This is also tremendously beneficial, as the potential customers will compare the websites to see which one they prefer.  Our usability testing takes this into account so we can make sure your website not only matches up with your competition, but beats them.

Call Today (800) 961-7427 or [button link=”/contact/” primary_style=”blue” secondary_style=”small” float=”no-float”]click here[/button] to submit your info.