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Hosting Your Web Site – Where not to go.

Everyone of us is trying to save money right now, you here about the economy and everyone’s monetary situation. Four years ago things were a little different, but a few things stayed the same in the way of penny pinching from then till now. One of them was the hosting of web sites (most hosting companies are still using the same software from four years ago too). Just as our techy toys have changed in that time, so has the web and more so.

More and more, online software is becoming the prevalent way to manage data and business. Keeping your information online and running certain parts of your business online, they all require resources from a server, just as your PC does. So ask yourself, “Why do I run my business with a computer that is five to ten years old?”

Now ask yourself, “Why would anyone have a server that is five to ten years old?” There’s plenty of companies out there that have them. And there are even more people that buy into these companies, that have businesses that rely on the web for revenue. And you see them a lot more than you think. Script errors, slow page loads, and sites that just don’t perform up to snuff are some of the symptoms. What is the result of this….? Loss of revenue.

So what do you do so you don’t have a business that is losing you money 24/7 365? Think about what you pay for is what you get, just like anything else in life. A great example of all of this is when you register a domain name at They offer you hosting for a year for a very low price. Now, how many times does the page not load while you are on GoDaddy’s site? They use Windows servers, which are great for an intranet set up, but not for the web, which Linux servers are great for. Why does GoDaddy have this kind of hosting set up for their own site?

Cause they are a domain registrar and they are great at it, nothing more.

They also have reseller programs as well and the affiliates will offer all the services GoDaddy has. This really can get someone started off on the wrong foot. Not only do you have a site hosted on a server that doesn’t have the proper software, configuration, and resources, but also you will have a hell of a time trying to get a hold of the reseller.

There are other companies out there that are even a bigger problem, and they are flat out hosting companies. to call out one of them we have had to bring web sites over to our servers, because of the total lack of software, proper configuration, resources and technical knowledge from the company itself.

So now comes the next question, “What do I do to get a server that will be able to handle my business’ needs?”

Call around. Easy as that. First you’ll talk to sales and they usually answer the phone pretty quickly, but then you need to try to get a hold of support. If they do even have a phone number, see if they answer. The cheap priced hosting companies are not going to have a phone number. So any of your questions, you’ll have to send an e-mail and wait for Mumbai or some little kid in a Chinese sweat shop to wake up and get back to you on them.

Of course we are going to promote our own premium hosting services for your business. We have put together a great deal of depth of knowledge into our systems, to deliver a hosting solution that is on the cuff of the latest technology. We don’t even use your typical web servers, we use systems that are loaded to the max with memory, disc space, and the latest software and configurations. Minus the software and configurations, we can use them for gaming servers as well.

With all this in mind, you have a little bit to go on when you are looking for your platform for your business to be supported by. Good luck and please feel free to contact us with any questions. […]

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Add Images To Box Headings in osCommerce

Add Images To Box Headings in osCommerce Introduction Solution Heading Text Replacement Use Of Cascading Style Sheets Introduction Images can be added to each box displayed in the left and right side columns, where the same image is used for all boxes or where different images are used for different boxes. Solution Heading Text Replacement […]

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