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Pinterest. How this new social site can help your business!

In 2010, the introduction of Pinterest, a fusion of bookmarking, blogging, and Facebook, opened up greater possibilities for businesses to reach greater numbers. If you thought harnessing the power of social media, blogging, and social bookmarking were great for business, can you imagine the possibilities when these powers combine? Pinterest has taken social sharing to […]

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What Is On-Page Optimization Anyway?

What Is On-Page Optimization Anyway? In the early days of public Internet access, few knew the enormity it would become. .com sites popped up like wildfire, offering everything from coupon clipping services to instant mail- e-mail! This revolution took the world by storm and streamlined the way everything was done around the globe. It created […]

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Mobilize for the Mobile Life

The mobile movement is fully upon us and PC’s are no longer the only way to visit websites. The ease and ability to access any information needed at any time is particularly important in today’s busy society. If you haven’t optimized your site for mobile browsing or looked into developing an Android or iPhone App, […]

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What is Off Page Search Engine Optimization?

First, off-page search engine optimization is activity which occurs outside of your website, on the Internet, that improves search engine results page (SERP) placement. The concept is simple, but the implementation can be lengthy and overwhelming.   Essential practices for off-page optimization include developing quality links to your site through article marketing, directory submission, social media, […]

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