Does your web site look inferior or severely outdated in comparison to your competitors and the big corporate sites? Stop turning your target audience away by not giving them the same consumer confidence in your web site! Redesigns are less expensive now, in comparison to what the larger companies have to pay entire design teams. […]
Month: April 2013
SEO Marketing Campaign
If you build it, they will come…maybe. Building a great website is no longer a sure way to generate sales or visitors. These days it can take content, Meta, Pay-Per-Click and many other techniques to drive traffic and sales. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most cost-effective and often the most profitable form of marketing. […]
WordPress Security
Thousands of WordPress websites get hacked every day, and you don’t even need to be a hacker to accomplish this task. In an internal study done recently, 7 out of 10 people asked were able to find a working WordPress vulnerability and hack within 2 hours; ironically, the non-programmers had a similar success rate as […]